The route from Ogunquit, ME to Santa Ana, CA

The trip starts when the car is placed on a trailer for the trip to Boston. About 8 days later we fly out and do some sightseeing while we wait for the car to arrive. When our time is up in Boston we head north to Ogunquit, ME for the National Woodie Club meeting.

After the Woodie Club meeting completes we start our long trek home. Stops will include Niagara Falls, Ontario, Gettysburg and several small towns where either my family or Kim’s lived in the long ago past. This gives us the opportunity to drive through small town U.S.A. Stops will include Pomfret, NY, Greenup, KY, Gallatin and Lock Springs, MO and Lebanon, NE. We plan on stopping in Frederick, MD, Roanoke, VA and Longmont, CO to catch up with old friends and relatives.